Other Interesting Sites

Private Bulletin:

This is a Social Media site where you can publish up to three Web Pages at a time. They are protected by an ID and a Password on them. Possible uses are activities or Events in your life like Weddings, Funerals, Holidays etc, that you would like to Share. You can publish Photos, Videos, Documents, Web Links. You also have a Vault where you can store information which is only viewable by you.

Site is:  www.privatebulletin.nz

Overview: URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mItA_C12cxs&t=40s

Mobile Golf Score:

This is aimed at the Fun Golfer and could be used by Golf Clubs, Companies, or just a group of Fun Golfers. This is not for the serious Golfer. It allows you to record your golf score in Real-Time using a Mobile phone. Your Mobile phone replaces the normal Golf Scoring Card. All your rounds are recorded in a Database and thus you can see your history and it also calculates your Handicap. If you don’t use the Mobile phone you can still record your round at the end of the day using a computer to capture your score.

Site is:  www.mgolfscore.com